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Tuesday 11 June 2013

update long overdue

It has been a while since I lat posted, things have been a bit manic here with holidays and other commitments but here goes
I lost all my own onion plants and had to get some from Dan in February he was able to spare 12 which are now doing well in the tunnel. As I only have the 12 I have spaced them wider apart  in the hope of getting larger bulbs

Shallots were put out in January and stood under snow for several weeks but they seem to have picked up now

Vento onion plants from Medwyns due to loosing my own are also now starting to bulb up

Carrots have all been thinned and are also doing well, i have planted some beetroot in one of the carrot beds to see if I get longer straighter  tap roots 

Celery will be ready for planting out in the next couple of weeks, I intend to grow them on pots stood in water  this year to see if it makes any difference as when grown in beds I have suffered from heart rot.

I am also growing a giant marrow from seed obtained from a 120lb one 
it is also now planted out and starting to fly
Spuds have now all been earthed up and all bags are full of compost I am only growing three variety's
and only 8 bags of each which should be plenty for the three shows I intend to stage at.
 I will do my best to keep up to date from now on as I have a new phone which it is a lot easier to get the photos off and on to the pc.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Potting on and Pricking out

Today the apprentice and myself headed for the garden to undertake the task of  potting the leeks on and pricking out the onions, this was duly undertaken and I now have my quality onions 50 in total which I will grow on and pick the best 30 to plant in to the soon to be revamped bed.

On the leek front the 24 plants all have healthy well developed roots and are now in larger pots, I will be starting to lengthen them in a couple of weeks time.this will be when I return from a family holiday in Malta.